Martha J. Allard
Apr 24, 2019
Selling the Book, No Matter What
When I worked at the bookstore, the best part of my job was handselling. This was when I put a book into a customer’s hand that they...

Tiffanie Shaw
Apr 10, 2019
Author Interview - Catherine & Tymmathi Amberwood
We interviewed new authors, Catherine and Tymmathi Amberwood, about their first book. Tell me about yourself? I work in a shop. I'm a...

Melodie Bolt
Mar 27, 2019
Resistance for Writing
I started a new job in November at a great place with a work load that keeps the hours clicking towards five. There’s been plenty of...

Martha J. Allard
Mar 13, 2019
Who do I write for?
In my writer’s group, there are all kinds of writers. Poets, Literary writers, romance writers, teen writers. Of all genres. All levels...

Tiffanie Shaw
Feb 27, 2019
Two Pieces of the Puzzle
Back many many years ago… like three and a half or so, I was taking a creative writing class. In this class, I had to write a short...

Tiffanie Shaw
Feb 13, 2019
Facebook Groups for Writers
Social media has become a large part of our lives. It is a way to connect to others from around the world. As authors, it is also a way...

John McKeown
Jan 30, 2019
Road to the End by John McKeown
You can never say I have failed for lack of ideas. My a life as a writer has been defined by a constant flow of ideas. I’d read a book,...

Tiffanie Shaw
Jan 16, 2019
Author Interview - Ravyn Crescent
Tell me about yourself I am one of those people who has both too much and too little to say about themselves. I always hated the ‘let’s...

Flint Area Writers
Jan 2, 2019
Welcome 2019
2019 is here! We here at Flint Area Writer’s have done some amazing things in 2018 and are super excited to do more in the upcoming year....

Kayla Langmaid
Dec 19, 2018
To Write or Not To Write
I’ve been asked several times why I, as a woman, write queer fiction. Specifically, why I write M/M fiction. Sometimes, the question is...