Melodie Bolt
Sep 15, 2016
Weekend Events 9/16 & 9/17
Hey! Guess what time it is again? That's right we have our Flint Area Writers critique meeting on Friday (7pm to 10pm) at Baker College...

Jul 18, 2016
Recent Interviews with Martha J. Allard
With the release of Black Light, Martha Allard has been in the spotlight answering important questions regarding her choices, inspiration...

Melodie Bolt
Jul 2, 2016
And We're Live!
Just in time to celebrate July 4th! Our website is live. Members please check out the site, try links and make sure they work. Look for...

Jun 24, 2016
Martha Allard's Debut Novel
Martha Allard has been a faithful devotee to the Flint Area Writers for decades--since the 80's, actually. So we're so proud that she...