Tiffanie Shaw
Aug 28, 2019
Author Interview - Genefer Castleow
Welcome to another author interview. Today we are going over seas! Welcome, can you introduce yourself? Hello. I am Genefer Castleow and...

Tiffanie Shaw
Aug 14, 2019
FAQ - Balance Writing With Life
Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my...

Martha J. Allard
Jul 31, 2019
Path to the Finish
“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s not telling...

Tiffanie Shaw
Jul 17, 2019
Author Interview: Jon Wheatley
Tell us about yourself? I am a 34-year-old father of three. A copywriter by day, at night time I lose myself in TV, movies and books....

Tiffanie Shaw
Jul 16, 2019
July 19th Meeting Cancelled
Our regular meeting scheduled for July 19th will be canceled as many of our members will be attending our Writing Retreat at Gilchrist....

Tiffanie Shaw
Jul 3, 2019
FAQ - Keep on Track
Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my...

Tiffanie Shaw
Jun 19, 2019
Flint Pride on Saturday!
Flint Pride is this Saturday, June 22, from 2 to 8 PM. Flint Area Writers will have a table. Several of our members will be selling books...

Tiffanie Shaw
Jun 5, 2019
Author Interview: Julia Sully Morgan
This is a picture of the Nile. It was a life long ambition to go on a Nile cruise and we did it in November 2017 and I would go again...

Tiffanie Shaw
May 22, 2019
FAQ - Getting Over Your Fear of Failure
A few months ago a friend of mine asked me a question about writing, and it's one that other writers have asked me before, and one I've...

Tiffanie Shaw
May 8, 2019
Author Interview - Martha Allard
Tell me about yourself? Not much to tell. I live in an old drafty house in Flint Michigan, with my cat. I write every second I can, which...