Welcome 2019

2019 is here! We here at Flint Area Writer’s have done some amazing things in 2018 and are super excited to do more in the upcoming year.
Several of our members have books scheduled to be released in 2019 so be on the look out for updates to the front page and our Book Shop.
This weekend some of our members will be traveling to Gilchrist for the first weekend retreat of the year. Many new pages will be written. Many old pages will be edited. And some frustrated authors may burn some pages to keep warm. Though we hope not.
Starting this year, and coming out next week, will be our first newsletter. This newsletter will be released four times a year. On the first Monday of January, April, July, and October at noon. Take a look at it for updates on events past, upcoming events, work in progress and much more.
Continuing will be our blog, posted the Wednesday before group at noon. Blogs include writing advice, writing stories, interviews, updates, and so much more.
And of course, our meetings. Flint Area Writers meet every other week on Friday at Baker College in Flint from seven to ten at night.
Whether you are a new writer looking to start your first novel. A season pro working on book number eighty, or anything in between, come stop by and see what we do.
Happy New Year! From all of us here at Flint Area Writers!