Tiffanie Shaw
Jan 15, 2020
Adventures in Writing!
It's been so long since I moved that I forgot how much work it is. Let's back up... on December 31st I signed a rental leased and got a...

Tiffanie Shaw
Jan 1, 2020
Welcome 2020!
Happy New Years! We here at Flint Area Writers hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable New Years Eve! Some changes are happening for Flint...

Tiffanie Shaw
Dec 18, 2019
FAQ - Character Driven or Plot Driven
Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my...

Tiffanie Shaw
Dec 4, 2019
Writing that Novel with a job and a family
It’s 5:30 in the morning. Your alarm goes off. You roll out of bed and start to get ready for the day. You wake the kids up and get them...

Tiffanie Shaw
Nov 20, 2019
To Parent a Character
I am very character driven. A character comes to me and then their story just sort of unfolds. Sometimes this works great and others… not...

Tiffanie Shaw
Nov 6, 2019
FAQ - Marketing Strategies
Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my...

Tiffanie Shaw
Oct 23, 2019
Author Interview: K.J. Lyons
Hello! Thank you for agreeing to interview for our blog. Tell me about yourself? I am 51 years old, retired teacher, 2 year leg amputee....

Tiffanie Shaw
Oct 9, 2019
What Type of Editor Do I Need?
The book is finished! I’ve written it all, I’ve read it over and now I am ready for an editor! But… why are there so many? Why does the...

Tiffanie Shaw
Sep 25, 2019
FAQ - Helpful Tools
Welcome back to another FAQ. For those of you just joining us, I polled new writers and got their most asked questions and then asked my...

Tiffanie Shaw
Sep 11, 2019
Alpha, Beta, ARC, Oh My!
If you’re new at writing and you finish your first draft, you may be wondering… What do I do now? How do I get people to tell me if it’s...