Weekend Events 9/16 & 9/17
Hey! Guess what time it is again? That's right we have our Flint Area Writers critique meeting on Friday (7pm to 10pm) at Baker College of Flint. Contact us on Facebook if you're interested in attending. We love new writers.
Also, this weekend, several of our members are visiting Totem Books in Flint. Saturday from noon to whenever, the LGBT Book Club (perhaps QUILTBAG friendly) will be discussing new and exciting works to read. Stop by and joint the discussion! Totem, located at 620 W Court St, Flint, sells books, dvd's, blue ray, vinyl, cassettes, and 8-tracks. They also feature a cafe. Other weekend events are Soiree, a jazz band, playing Friday night and Saturday's "Story Time" at 11:00am featuring marching bands as a topic.